Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Starting to Flip

So no sooner is the school year over but it's time to begin planning things for the next one. The major challenge and opportunity is to flip my classroom. Next year one of my sections will be an on-going pilot of blending both traditional face-time curriculum and online curriculum. Here is an example of one of the videos I used to explain the concept to parents of prospective students:

My district has other intrepid teachers looking to embark on the path to a blended curriculum. In a workshop today I listened to some wonderful math teachers plan out how they would be engaging their students using this model. My mind kept coming back to Bloom's Taxonomy.

Specifically, the changes that have recently been made to Bloom's come to mind. The top of the pedagogical pyramid of thought used to be "Evaluation" or the judgement of products based on criteria.

Now, however the pyramid of Bloom's has been revised to something more like this:

Which in preparing to "flip" and "blend" my classroom has me thinking of the following questions:

  • How can does one account for the "economy of focus" at work in most of today's students in regard to technology?
  • How are the economics of technology access going to be addressed?
  • How can technology be used to accurately check for understanding during the off-site learning process?
  • What role do anticipatory sets and classroom activities take now in this model?

But I did catch two great quotes from the workshop coordinators.

The art of understanding something is different than the science of applying it.


Our motto with technology should be 'if you can think it, it's possible.'

I'm working with some good educators and I've got to keep thinking.

photo © 2006 LASZLO ILYES | more info (via: Wylio)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jumping Back In

A great but chaotic school year is coming to a close for this writer. In the hopes of writing more this summer I'm attempting to switch-up my workflow using Blogsy on my iPad. This, in theory, should allow for more posts and less time spent on learning markdown coding while keeping the focus on transparency and learning. If this works, look for many more posts to follow.

Type-Writer Keysphoto © 2008 Sarah Scicluna | more info (via: Wylio)